On Wednesday morning, Mohanlal inaugurated the MyG store in Palakkad. MyG is the largest gadgets retail chain in Kerala and also one of the fastest growing in India. A huge crowd was gathered at the inaugural ...
Chal Mohan Ranga stars Nithiin in the lead role. The film has been produced by Pawan Kalyan and Trivikram Srinivas
The guest of honour at the pre-release event of Rangasthalam was Chiranjeevi.
Here are press meet stills of MLA (Manchi Lakshanalunna Abbai) team. The film stars Nandamuri Kalyan Ram and Kajal Aggarwal in lead roles.
A special reception was hosted by the newly weds Keerthana and Akshay for the media. The host of the event was the bride’s father, R. Parthiepan