in public extends private protected implements instanceof The Confusion Surrounding Mohanlal's Fan Clubs - DGZ Media

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The confusion surrounding Mohanlal’s fan clubs

Mohanlal Fans Club

Actor Mohanlal has an unprecedented fan base in Kerala. So much so that he even has an official fan club named All Kerala Mohanlal Fans and Cultural Welfare Association’ (AKMFCWA). In latest developments, it has been reported that the popular fan club has split into two.

On June 1st, a new association has been formed in the name of the actor, which has been named ‘Universal Real Mohanlal Fans and Welfare Organisation’. It has been formed by a few members of the original association.

The reason for the split is due to the financial irregularities between two groups and how some members of the association were using the fan club for personal benefits.

However, Mohanlal has decided to disassociate himself from the new association.

Mohanlal has issued a statement that he doesn’t associate himself with any NGO or fan club other than All Kerala Mohanlal Fans and Cultural Welfare Association’ (AKMFCWA). The statement has been written by Mohanlal on the club’s letterhead.

Raisa Nasreen

Raisa Nasreen loves everything about the world of entertainment. Being a film buff, She sheds most tears watching an emotional film and shudders at the thought of watching a horror film. Her hobbies include watching dubbed movies that evoke laughter. Apart from balancing her life on a fence, she is a content creator who loves to gorge on biryani.

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