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Bigg Boss Malayalam – 1 September 2018, Episode 70 Update: On day 69, Lalettan’s motivation brings out the honesty

Bigg Boss Malayalam Episode 70 Day 69

Mohanlal welcomes everyone to the show by making them about the visions and importance of the show. Meanwhile, Basheer, Sabu and Suresh are discussing about the different mind games played in the Bigg Boss house. The clouds between Anoop and Sabu are fading slowly but Anoop still seems quiet upset with Sabu.

Later, it was time for them to meet Lalettan. Mohanlal enquires each one of them about their experiences in the house in the past one week. He also shares with them the good news that Kerala is slowly recovering from its floods. Next it was Basheer’s turn to talk about his captaincy experience. The contestants too share their opinions about his captaincy. After the longing discussions about the incidents, Mohanlal asks them to play a game. Sabu reads out the rules for the game. The contestants are asked to form two groups. The task is to play a ball relay. Anoop’s team looses the task while Archana’s team wins the task.

Later in the episode, Lalettan lends them 1000 luxury points. The contestants promises to return the points to lalettan once he would earn them. Based on the incidents in the house another game was awaiting for the contestants. The contestants have to say Yes and No via the boards provided to them. Lalettan asks various incidents and contestants reply to him with an honest answer.

The episode winds up by keeping a suspense for the nominees of the eviction process. Anoop, Shiyas and Pearle are among the strongest players of the house. Who do you think would be eliminated this time?

Missed yesterday’s episode? You can read what happened here: Bigg Boss Malayalam, Episode 69 – Day 68

Author: Poocottel Anjana


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